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The adverb now in English (nu g Now put X in Z'). In Dutch, but not English, the position of this sequential adverb may disambiguate which constituent is contrasted. We investigated whether and how the intonational realization of now/nu... more
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      PhoneticsWord order
Prior work has shown that listeners efficiently exploit prosodic information both in the discourse referent and in the preceding modifier to identify the referent. This study investigated whether listeners make use of prosodic information... more
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      Eye trackingInformation StructureConditional probabilityDifference-in-Differences
As mobile devices become more and more complex, there is an increasing desire for these devices to adapt to their users. This paper identifies parameters for different input sources (user, device and environment), and the parameters of... more
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    • Mobile Device
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Narrow focus refers to accent placement that forces one interpretation of a sentence, which is then often perceived contrastively. Narrow focus is formalised in terms of alternative sets, i.e. contextually or situationally salient... more
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      Eye trackingEye Movement
Recent results on segmental anchoring suggest that rising prenuclear accents have two fairly invariant tonal targets . For German, however, there is introspective evidence that the rising topic accent (or theme accent) is realised... more
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This paper evaluates articulation rate measures and rate char-acteristics of read and spontaneous speech on the basis of a manually labelled database for German. The results of phone classification experiments for three different... more
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    • Spontaneous speech
Larynx movements and intonation in whispered speech John Coleman, Esther Grabe and Bettina Braun (Summary of research supported by British Academy grant ... were elicited by using prior sentences for which the letters are an affirmative... more
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... Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands ... Our origin is not only (most easily) conveyed by diphthongs and vowels ([1]), but also by the speech melody ([2,3,4]). This paper deals... more
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Semantic theories on focus and information structure assume that there are different accent types for thematic (backwardlooking, known) and rhematic (forward-looking, new) information in languages as English and German. According to... more
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      Speech SynthesisInformation Structure
The adverb now in English (nu g Now put X in Z'). In Dutch, but not English, the position of this sequential adverb may disambiguate which constituent is contrasted. We investigated whether and how the intonational realization of now/nu... more
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      PhoneticsWord order
How does language experience shape pitch processing? Do speakers of tone languages, which use pitch to signal lexical contrasts (e.g., Mandarin Chinese) attend to pitch movements more closely than speakers of intonation languages (e.g.,... more
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      PhoneticsSpeech ProcessingMatching to SampleMandarin Chinese
This study compares how Dutch and German, two closely related languages, signal a shift from a negative to a positive polarity in two contexts, when contrasting the polarity relative to a different topic situation (In my picture the man... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyPragmaticsLinguistics
This paper investigated how foreign-accented stress cues affect online speech comprehension in British English. While unstressed English vowels are usually reduced to /əә/, Dutch speakers of English only slightly centralize them. Speakers... more
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      PhoneticsMultilingualismPsychoacousticsSpeech perception
Although the pitch of the human voice is continuously variable, some linguists contend that intonation in speech is restricted to a small, limited set of patterns. We test this claim by asking subjects to mimic a block of 100 randomly... more
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      AlgorithmsPhoneticsMental RepresentationLanguage
In a previous production study we explored the prosodic marking of thematic material in contrastive and non-contrastive contexts in German. While both conditions resulted in a prenuclear rise, we found that themes in contrastive context... more
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Despite their relatedness, Dutch and German differ in the interpretation of a particular intonation contour, the hat pattern. In the literature, this contour has been described as neutral for Dutch, and as contrastive for German. A recent... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsLexical Decision
Sentences with a contrastive intonation contour are usually produced when the speaker entertains alternatives to the accented words. However, such contrastive sentences are frequently produced without making the alternatives explicit for... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguistics
This study investigates whether listeners' familiarity with an intonation contour affects speech processing. In three experiments, Dutch participants heard Dutch sentences with normal intonation contours and with unfamiliar ones and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsSpeech Processing
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhoneticsSemantics