Papers by Masaki NOHARA 野原將揮
雲漢, 2024
(戶內俊介; 野原將揮; 海老根量介; 宮島和也; 宮內駿)
雲漢, 2023
本文討論“非”的上古音元音和相關問題。採用六元音假設,上古音微部的元音可分為兩類:*-ə-和*-u-。不過據甲骨文、《詩經》、諧聲關係、異文和戰國出土文獻中的通假例,我們無法判斷“非”到底屬於*... more 本文討論“非”的上古音元音和相關問題。採用六元音假設,上古音微部的元音可分為兩類:*-ə-和*-u-。不過據甲骨文、《詩經》、諧聲關係、異文和戰國出土文獻中的通假例,我們無法判斷“非”到底屬於*-əj類還是*-uj類。另外,值得關注的是在閩語中“飛”、“尾”、“未”和“肥”、“疿”、“沸”、“吠”有元音對立,也許保留着上古的唇化元音和非唇化元音之間的對立。最後,本文參看“非=不唯”問題,利用“合音”之說試圖重構“非”的元音,即*-uj。
![Research paper thumbnail of Old Chinese “egg”: More evidence for consonant clusters](
Language and Linguistics, 2023
This paper attempts to reconstruct the onset of the word for ‘egg’ in Old Chinese (OC). Based sol... more This paper attempts to reconstruct the onset of the word for ‘egg’ in Old Chinese (OC). Based solely on Middle Chinese (MC), *rˤonʔ would be the default OC reconstruction. However, philological evidence such as a phonetic relationship (also called Xiéshēng connections), annotations, and variant characters show the relationship between the word for ‘egg’ and words with the velar onset in MC. (Interestingly, most of them belong to the so-called Division-II rhyme in MC.) In addition, comparative data from Proto-Min (*lh-), Proto-Hmong-Mien (*qr-), and Proto-Tai (*qr-) indicate the possibility of reconstructing the consonant cluster *k.rˤ- for the onset of the word for ‘egg’. In § 4, I shall provide some additional evidence from the excavated documents, such as oracle bone inscriptions 甲骨文, Chǔ bamboo slips 楚簡, and Qín bamboo slips 秦簡. In Chǔ bamboo slips, the characters having 䜌 luán as a phonetic element represent the words having onset *k-, such as 關 guān, 卷 juǎn, and 宦 huàn (seen in Ān Dà Jiǎn 安大簡, which is also categorized as Chǔ bamboo slips 楚簡). Furthermore, the character luán, which has 䜌 luán as an additional phonetic element, represents the word for ‘egg’ on Qín bamboo slips 秦簡. As noted above, the character 䜌 luán can represent the words having onset *k-. This all constitutes evidence supporting the reconstruction of the word for ‘egg’ with the initial consonant cluster *k.rˤ- in OC, confirming the reconstruction of T’ung-ho Tung (1944) and Baxter & Sagart (2014).
簡帛網, 2022
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《語彙》(漢簡語彙 中國古代木簡辭典)認爲“訊”的意思是“審訊罪... more Please see the link:
《語彙》(漢簡語彙 中國古代木簡辭典)認爲“訊”的意思是“審訊罪人”,“訊問”則是“審訊、質問罪人”。作爲書證,引用了《漢書・張湯傳》“劾鼠掠治,傳爰書,訊鞫論報”的顏師古注:“訊,考問也。鞫,窮也,謂窮覈之也。訊音信。”可以理解爲“審訊”或“拷問”之意。不過,有無拷問(施加肉體上的痛苦)可能對審問的結果產生重大影響,因此兩者不可混爲一談。再者,翻檢《說文解字》可見“訊,問也”,再查“問”字,則有“問,訊也”,“訊”與“問”似乎用作同義詞,但實際上兩者用法有別。例如《春秋公羊傳・僖公十年》的“荀息曰:君嘗訊臣矣”的注云:“上問下曰訊”,據此可知地位高的人問地位低的人爲“訊”。此外,《詩經・陳風・墓門》有“歌以訊之”,《經典釋文》注云:“本又作誶。音信,徐息悴反。告也。《韓詩》:訊,諫也。”如此,“訊”有時也表示“告”、“諫”等意義,可以說情況比較複雜。本文想參照關於“訊”的事例,對其至漢簡爲止的發展史稍作驗證。
CIEAS Resarch Report, 2022
![Research paper thumbnail of 構擬“泉”字音―兼論“同義換讀” / The Reconstruction of the word Quán “ spring, source” : *dzan](
Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, Brill, 2019
The word for Quán 泉, meaning “spring, source,” had the medial -w- (dzjwen), which is called Hékǒu... more The word for Quán 泉, meaning “spring, source,” had the medial -w- (dzjwen), which is called Hékǒu in Middle Chinese. It originated from the rounded vowel *-on in Old Chinese. However, based on the Shījīng (Book of Odes) and the data from Min dialects, it must be concluded that the word Quán did not have the rounded vowel *-on, but the unrounded vowel *-an in Old Chinese. This paper attempts to summarize major previous studies, and to discuss the reason the word Quán had to undergo an unusual change. The word Quán has been regarded as being etymologically related to the word Yuán 原 “origin,” which had the labialized velar onset *Kw- in Old Chinese (*ŋwan). We assume that these two words are not etymologically related. However, since they had similar meanings and rhymes, there has been some contamination between them (*dzan > *dzwan > dzjwen).
本文的目的是(1)整理以往的研究成果和問題、(2)離析“泉”字的諧聲關係、(3)構擬“泉”的上 古音聲韻母以及討論唇化元音假設。(4)最後討論“同義換讀”的問題。“泉”的中古音是仙韻合口從 母。根據Jaxontov(1960)的唇化元音假設(the rounded-vowel hypothesis),中古音合口的“泉”只來源於上 古的唇化元音*-on或圓唇舌根音*Kw-。本文試圖討論“泉”的合口化的原因以及所謂“同義換讀”的現 象,認為“泉”原該是非唇化元音*-an,因為“泉”跟“原”意義相近,“泉”經過“沾染(contamina- tion)變為中古音合口呼。
關於“少"的諧聲關係及其上古音,上古音學者的観貼並不一致。根據出土文獻的通假例子和上古音興閩語的對應關係,野原 (2015:57-75)將“少"字音構擬爲*stewʔ、 *stewʔ‐s。其實,... more 關於“少"的諧聲關係及其上古音,上古音學者的観貼並不一致。根據出土文獻的通假例子和上古音興閩語的對應關係,野原 (2015:57-75)將“少"字音構擬爲*stewʔ、 *stewʔ‐s。其實,在甲骨文、金文和楚簡中,“少"和“小"基本上不分工。因此,有些學者認為“少"和“小"有諧聲閥係。筆者卻認為“少"興“小"没有諧聲、通假關係。本文試圖(1)整理野原(2015)構擬“少"字音的要點,(2)通過“同義換讀 (義通換讀)"的現象解釋“少"和“小"的換讀現象。本文採用俞紹宏・王婭瑋(2017)提出的假設,即“X同義換讀為Y,再通假為Z''。據此,本文擬解釋 “少''和精組的諧聲、通假關係。
中国语文 ZHONGGUO YUWEN (Studies of the Chinese language), 2019
Jaxontov (1960)所提出的唇化元音假设(the rounded-vowel hypothesis)是上古音六元音体系的基础之一。现代闽语方言还保留着非唇化元音之间的对立。本文以“泉”... more Jaxontov (1960)所提出的唇化元音假设(the rounded-vowel hypothesis)是上古音六元音体系的基础之一。现代闽语方言还保留着非唇化元音之间的对立。本文以“泉”“反/飯”“發/髮”“過/裹、禾”等字为例揭示这个现象。它支持唇化元音假说,同时也说明闽语最早的音韵层次能够追溯到公元前三世纪。
The rounded-vowel hypothesis, first proposed by Sergej Jaxontov (1960), is one of the basic studies conducted on the reconstruction of the six-vowel system in Old Chinese. Modern Min dialects still preserve the distinction between unrounded-vowels and rounded-vowels. This article tries to prove this by examining the words “ 泉,” “反/飯” “發/髮” and “過/裹,禾” in the Min dialects. It is concluded that the rounded-vowel hypothesis is correct. Further, this study shows that the most archaic phonological stratum of Min dialects possibly dates back as early as the 3rd century BCE.
Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics Society of Japan. No. 262, 2015
This study attempts to reconstruct the word shao少 in Old Chinese phonology. Preceding studies hav... more This study attempts to reconstruct the word shao少 in Old Chinese phonology. Preceding studies have considered the reconstruction of shao to be a controversial issue. It is argued that shao has XieSheng connections with miao杪 and xiao小, and as illustrated in the ShuoWen JieZi, some scholars have reconstructed the voiceless nasal [m̥] or consonant cluster [hm]; however, other scholars have rejected the Shuo Wen analysis. Moreover, excavated documents and Min dialects indicate that there is no phonetic relationship between them. In this study, we use excavated documents and Mǐn dialects. The word shao is reconstructed as *st-.
Key words Old Chinese Phonology, Excavated documents, Min dialect
![Research paper thumbnail of Old Chinese “west”: *snˤər](
Language and Linguistics, 2018
This article aims to reconstruct the word “west” in Old Chinese phonology. In previous studies, s... more This article aims to reconstruct the word “west” in Old Chinese phonology. In previous studies, since there was no sufficient evidence besides Chinese dialects, phonetic compounds, and phonetic loans, most scholars reconstructed its onset as *s-. One of the oldest dictionaries, Shuōwén jiězì 說文解字, includes two other written forms of 西 xī “west,” 卥 (Gǔwén 古文) and 卤 (Zhòuwén 籀文). This paper re-examines the reconstruction of the word 西 xī “west” and investigates the word 訊 xùn “to interrogate” seen in excavated documents. According to the Shuōwén, 訊 xùn also had another written form ( ), which has the old form of 西 xī (卥). In other words, 西 xī and 訊 xùn must have had Xiéshēng connections (諧聲關係) at the time. Based on the resources from excavated documents such as oracle bone inscriptions and bronze scripts, 訊 xùn credibly has the character 人 rén as the phonetic element. This implies that 訊 xùn should have had the onset *sn- at the time; hence, it is concluded that the word “west” also had the onset *snˤ- in Old Chinese as well.
Keywords: Old Chinese phonology, excavated documents, phonetic loan, preinitial *s-
Studies in Asian Geolinguistics, 2017
This paper attempts to reconstruct the word “iron” in Old Chinese phonology. Middle Chinese initi... more This paper attempts to reconstruct the word “iron” in Old Chinese phonology. Middle Chinese initial th- shows several types of xiéshēng 諧聲 connections. This implies that Middle Chinese th- was derived from several Old Chinese initials. In addition, identifying phonetic elements in Old Chinese is occasionally difficult. Hence, it has been considered difficult to reconstruct the word “iron.” In this paper, we re-examine this topic using excavated documents.
Zhongguo Yuwen 中國語文, 2014
關鍵詞:上古音,書母... more 美國學者白一平教授研究中古書母的上古來源而提出了“上古音:閩語不送氣塞擦音”的語音對應。本文根據更多的現代漢語方言材料以及戰國楚簡中的表現驗證並證實了這一語音對應能夠成立。
Based on the study of the Old Chinese origins of Middle Chinese shu initial 書母, William Baxter proposed the phonological correspondences ‘Old Chinese *ST-: Min dialects affricate.’ Testing it with more modern dialectal materials and Chu 楚 bamboo slips of the Warring States period, this article shows that the results are consistent with the hypothesis.
Key words: Old Chinese, shu initial, Min dialects, Chu bamboo slips of the Warring States period, T-type initial and l-type initial
Chuugokugogaku (The Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan), 2009
从上世纪的下半叶起,有一些研究上古音的学者,通过对谐声符的研究以及跟亲属语言的比较,认识到中古舌音(端知章组)在上古可以分成T 类和 L 类声母。T 类是能跟端、知、章母谐声的一些字,L 类是能... more 从上世纪的下半叶起,有一些研究上古音的学者,通过对谐声符的研究以及跟亲属语言的比较,认识到中古舌音(端知章组)在上古可以分成T 类和 L 类声母。T 类是能跟端、知、章母谐声的一些字,L 类是能跟以、船、邪母谐声的一些字。这个学说目前受到许多学者的推许。本文以战国楚简为资料,对 T 类字和 L 类字在通假例中的表现进行分析,发现在楚简中 T 类字和 L 类字分别自成系统,互不通假。可见在战国晚期汉语中(尤其是楚地的汉语中) T 类和 L 类声母尚未合并。另外,有些字只根据谐声符的分布则无法确定到底属于 T 类还是 L 类,本文试图根据通假的情况来确定这些字的归属。
关键词 上古音 声母 舌音 楚简 通假字
Drafts by Masaki NOHARA 野原將揮
Conference Presentations by Masaki NOHARA 野原將揮
第十八屆國際暨第三十八屆全國聲韻學學術研討會 會議論文集, 2020
近年來,上古音研究不断地发展而得到了丰硕的研究成果。有代 表性的上古音系統是李方桂系統(1971/1980)、鄭張―潘系統(鄭張 尚芳(2003/2013))、Schuessler(2009)、... more 近年來,上古音研究不断地发展而得到了丰硕的研究成果。有代 表性的上古音系統是李方桂系統(1971/1980)、鄭張―潘系統(鄭張 尚芳(2003/2013))、Schuessler(2009)、Baxter(1992)和 Baxter and Sagart(2014)的白―沙系統1。這些學者都利用所謂“比較法”構 擬上古音,其中,Baxter and Sagart(2014)的研究全面利用原始閩語 來構擬上古音。
本文試圖討論上古音研究在材料方面的問題。材料的質量和數量 一定跟擬音的“蓋然性(可靠性)”有密切關係。因为有些詞彙擁有 比較豐富的證據,这些词的擬音的蓋然性自然很高。相反,也有不少 詞彙毫無證據的,對這些詞彙我們只能根據中古音的音類來構擬其上 古音,其蓋然性無疑很低。
NACCL-25 (21-23 June 2013): University of Michigan, 2013
根據以往的研究,中古音書母有可幾個不同來源:*ST、清流音*l̥-、清鼻音*n̥-、*ŋ̊-、喉音*qh-(或*x-)等。除此之外,有些書母字因為沒有諧聲關係或諧聲關係太複雜而無法確定其來源(本... more 根據以往的研究,中古音書母有可幾個不同來源:*ST、清流音*l̥-、清鼻音*n̥-、*ŋ̊-、喉音*qh-(或*x-)等。除此之外,有些書母字因為沒有諧聲關係或諧聲關係太複雜而無法確定其來源(本文稱之爲“來源不明字”),如“首”、“守”、“少”等。本文的目的有兩個: (1)通過出土文獻的研究檢驗*ST書母的存在,(2)對“來源不明字”進行構擬。
Papers by Masaki NOHARA 野原將揮
《語彙》(漢簡語彙 中國古代木簡辭典)認爲“訊”的意思是“審訊罪人”,“訊問”則是“審訊、質問罪人”。作爲書證,引用了《漢書・張湯傳》“劾鼠掠治,傳爰書,訊鞫論報”的顏師古注:“訊,考問也。鞫,窮也,謂窮覈之也。訊音信。”可以理解爲“審訊”或“拷問”之意。不過,有無拷問(施加肉體上的痛苦)可能對審問的結果產生重大影響,因此兩者不可混爲一談。再者,翻檢《說文解字》可見“訊,問也”,再查“問”字,則有“問,訊也”,“訊”與“問”似乎用作同義詞,但實際上兩者用法有別。例如《春秋公羊傳・僖公十年》的“荀息曰:君嘗訊臣矣”的注云:“上問下曰訊”,據此可知地位高的人問地位低的人爲“訊”。此外,《詩經・陳風・墓門》有“歌以訊之”,《經典釋文》注云:“本又作誶。音信,徐息悴反。告也。《韓詩》:訊,諫也。”如此,“訊”有時也表示“告”、“諫”等意義,可以說情況比較複雜。本文想參照關於“訊”的事例,對其至漢簡爲止的發展史稍作驗證。
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本文的目的是(1)整理以往的研究成果和問題、(2)離析“泉”字的諧聲關係、(3)構擬“泉”的上 古音聲韻母以及討論唇化元音假設。(4)最後討論“同義換讀”的問題。“泉”的中古音是仙韻合口從 母。根據Jaxontov(1960)的唇化元音假設(the rounded-vowel hypothesis),中古音合口的“泉”只來源於上 古的唇化元音*-on或圓唇舌根音*Kw-。本文試圖討論“泉”的合口化的原因以及所謂“同義換讀”的現 象,認為“泉”原該是非唇化元音*-an,因為“泉”跟“原”意義相近,“泉”經過“沾染(contamina- tion)變為中古音合口呼。
The rounded-vowel hypothesis, first proposed by Sergej Jaxontov (1960), is one of the basic studies conducted on the reconstruction of the six-vowel system in Old Chinese. Modern Min dialects still preserve the distinction between unrounded-vowels and rounded-vowels. This article tries to prove this by examining the words “ 泉,” “反/飯” “發/髮” and “過/裹,禾” in the Min dialects. It is concluded that the rounded-vowel hypothesis is correct. Further, this study shows that the most archaic phonological stratum of Min dialects possibly dates back as early as the 3rd century BCE.
Key words Old Chinese Phonology, Excavated documents, Min dialect
Keywords: Old Chinese phonology, excavated documents, phonetic loan, preinitial *s-
Based on the study of the Old Chinese origins of Middle Chinese shu initial 書母, William Baxter proposed the phonological correspondences ‘Old Chinese *ST-: Min dialects affricate.’ Testing it with more modern dialectal materials and Chu 楚 bamboo slips of the Warring States period, this article shows that the results are consistent with the hypothesis.
Key words: Old Chinese, shu initial, Min dialects, Chu bamboo slips of the Warring States period, T-type initial and l-type initial
关键词 上古音 声母 舌音 楚简 通假字
Drafts by Masaki NOHARA 野原將揮
Conference Presentations by Masaki NOHARA 野原將揮
本文試圖討論上古音研究在材料方面的問題。材料的質量和數量 一定跟擬音的“蓋然性(可靠性)”有密切關係。因为有些詞彙擁有 比較豐富的證據,这些词的擬音的蓋然性自然很高。相反,也有不少 詞彙毫無證據的,對這些詞彙我們只能根據中古音的音類來構擬其上 古音,其蓋然性無疑很低。
《語彙》(漢簡語彙 中國古代木簡辭典)認爲“訊”的意思是“審訊罪人”,“訊問”則是“審訊、質問罪人”。作爲書證,引用了《漢書・張湯傳》“劾鼠掠治,傳爰書,訊鞫論報”的顏師古注:“訊,考問也。鞫,窮也,謂窮覈之也。訊音信。”可以理解爲“審訊”或“拷問”之意。不過,有無拷問(施加肉體上的痛苦)可能對審問的結果產生重大影響,因此兩者不可混爲一談。再者,翻檢《說文解字》可見“訊,問也”,再查“問”字,則有“問,訊也”,“訊”與“問”似乎用作同義詞,但實際上兩者用法有別。例如《春秋公羊傳・僖公十年》的“荀息曰:君嘗訊臣矣”的注云:“上問下曰訊”,據此可知地位高的人問地位低的人爲“訊”。此外,《詩經・陳風・墓門》有“歌以訊之”,《經典釋文》注云:“本又作誶。音信,徐息悴反。告也。《韓詩》:訊,諫也。”如此,“訊”有時也表示“告”、“諫”等意義,可以說情況比較複雜。本文想參照關於“訊”的事例,對其至漢簡爲止的發展史稍作驗證。
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本文的目的是(1)整理以往的研究成果和問題、(2)離析“泉”字的諧聲關係、(3)構擬“泉”的上 古音聲韻母以及討論唇化元音假設。(4)最後討論“同義換讀”的問題。“泉”的中古音是仙韻合口從 母。根據Jaxontov(1960)的唇化元音假設(the rounded-vowel hypothesis),中古音合口的“泉”只來源於上 古的唇化元音*-on或圓唇舌根音*Kw-。本文試圖討論“泉”的合口化的原因以及所謂“同義換讀”的現 象,認為“泉”原該是非唇化元音*-an,因為“泉”跟“原”意義相近,“泉”經過“沾染(contamina- tion)變為中古音合口呼。
The rounded-vowel hypothesis, first proposed by Sergej Jaxontov (1960), is one of the basic studies conducted on the reconstruction of the six-vowel system in Old Chinese. Modern Min dialects still preserve the distinction between unrounded-vowels and rounded-vowels. This article tries to prove this by examining the words “ 泉,” “反/飯” “發/髮” and “過/裹,禾” in the Min dialects. It is concluded that the rounded-vowel hypothesis is correct. Further, this study shows that the most archaic phonological stratum of Min dialects possibly dates back as early as the 3rd century BCE.
Key words Old Chinese Phonology, Excavated documents, Min dialect
Keywords: Old Chinese phonology, excavated documents, phonetic loan, preinitial *s-
Based on the study of the Old Chinese origins of Middle Chinese shu initial 書母, William Baxter proposed the phonological correspondences ‘Old Chinese *ST-: Min dialects affricate.’ Testing it with more modern dialectal materials and Chu 楚 bamboo slips of the Warring States period, this article shows that the results are consistent with the hypothesis.
Key words: Old Chinese, shu initial, Min dialects, Chu bamboo slips of the Warring States period, T-type initial and l-type initial
关键词 上古音 声母 舌音 楚简 通假字
本文試圖討論上古音研究在材料方面的問題。材料的質量和數量 一定跟擬音的“蓋然性(可靠性)”有密切關係。因为有些詞彙擁有 比較豐富的證據,这些词的擬音的蓋然性自然很高。相反,也有不少 詞彙毫無證據的,對這些詞彙我們只能根據中古音的音類來構擬其上 古音,其蓋然性無疑很低。