Lehigh University
The Hindu character is almost incomprehensible to us . . . The more I know the less I understand. With the Mohammedans it is different. When after the nightmare of Gokul Ashtami, I stood on the minaret of the Taj in Agra, and heard the... more
... his periodic taunts directed at the Progressive movement, have not prevented recent scholars of Urdu literature, such as Priyamvada Gopal, from ... essay/story titled... more
An updated and expanded version of an essay I first posted as a blog post in 2009. I now engage more directly with Bhabha himself, without getting too bogged down in the theory. This essay is intended as a teaching tool for postcolonial... more
Introduction to my book "Literary Secularism: Religion and Modernity in Twentieth Century Fiction"
Entry from the Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies, 2016. Overview of the advent of postcolonial studies as an interdisciplinary field, with reference to Postcoloniality within Literary Studies, History, Cultural Anthropology, and... more
The Indian novel has been a vibrant and energetic expressive space in the 21st century. While the grand postcolonial gestures characteristic of the late-20th-century Indian novel have been in evidence in new novels by established authors... more
Members of Rudyard Kipling’s nuclear family lived in India for approximately thirty years (roughly 1870–1900), and all four Kiplings (Rudyard, Lockwood Kipling, Alice MacDonald Kipling, and Alice Fleming) published writing based on that... more
“Women of the Early Harlem Renaissance: African American Women Writers, 1900–1922,” aims to digitize and annotate a limited array of primary texts, mainly poetry, and present these materials as a digital archive in the Scalar platform.... more
Helps readers navigate this difficult but hugely influential text in postcolonial theory.
(An attempt to explore the Yeats/Tagore relationship through Spivak.) This chapter argues that Yeats's "Preface" to the 1912 translation of Tagore's Gitanjali is an expression of both Yeats's universalist aesthetics and the fraught nature... more
If you walked into Manhattan's pub called "The Vault at Pfaff's" at Bleeker and Broadway before it closed last year, you encountered well-heeled young professionals on internet dates drinking $16 cocktails named "Ada Clare" and "Leaves of... more
The Compatible Database Initiative requests Level I Digital Start-Up support to convene a two-day conference and several tele-conferenced planning meetings to foster interoperable person-centric data standards for network analysis and... more
A discussion on whether the application of Section 309 of the Immigration and Nationality Act as applied to adopted children and the acquisition of citizenship through an adopted parent, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fifth... more