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Last year, at this conference, I discussed how distinctions between nature and culture, and humans and animals, can arise from the technical processes of food production (see "Food as an object of cultural technical study "). Drawing on... more
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      Future StudiesAnthropologyMedia StudiesCyborg Theory
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
Book (in French) published in 2003 at the occasion of the first exhibition staging exclusively biomedia art works at the national art center Le Lieu Unique in Nantes/France. Hauser Jens (ed.): L'Art Biotech. Nantes/Trézélan, 2003. The... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
We live in a globalized world in which a person in Burkina Faso can identify with Star Wars heroes, and in which a New York trader drinks the same Starbucks coffee as his Taiwanese counterpart. How are individuals socialized in Rome,... more
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      Cultural StudiesGlobalizationHybridityCosmopolitanism
The focus of this comparative, pan-Iberian study is on the negotiation of identity and hybrid cultural production in early twenty-first-century Spain and Portugal. I identify here two subgenres of indie and electronic music scenes and... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyMedia and Cultural Studies
Encompassing experimental film and video, essay film, gallery-based installation art, and digital art, Jihoon Kim establishes the concept of hybrid moving images as an array of impure images shaped by the encounters and negotiations... more
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      Media StudiesCinema (Celluloid and Digital)Avant-Garde CinemaFilm Studies
Security challenges arising from hybrid threats and hybrid warfare, HT&HW, are today high on the security agenda not only in Sweden but across the globe. Despite the attention and the growing body of studies on the subject, there is a... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)War StudiesHybridityInformation Warfare
The Popularization of Belly Dance in Toronto, Canada (1950-1990): Hybridization and Uneven Exchange Anne Vermeyden Advisors: University of Guelph, 2016 Dr. Femi Kolapo and Dr. Renée Worringer Belly dance was first performed publicly in... more
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      Dance StudiesCanadian HistoryTransnationalismHybridity
The paper discusses the theme of wandering in the novel by French author André Dhôtel. The protagonist of Le Mont Damion, Fabien Gort, is not a typical vagrant, as he is a member of an intellectual and quite rich family. However, because... more
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      HybriditySocial StructureSocial structuresWandering
Discovery of the optimal best possibility of location for facilities is the central problem associated in logistics management. The optimal places for the distribution centres (DCs) can be based on the selected attributes that are crucial... more
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      Network SecurityHybriditySimulated AnnealingNetwork
Most of the critical peace literature has put 'a local turn' as an important aspect of a paradigm shift in liberal peacebuilding, both in academic and practice-oriented terms. Although most of the made criticism is valid, it is still... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictHybridityLiberalism
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      HybriditySocial ResponsibilityTechno-Anthropology
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      Latin American StudiesMulticulturalismPostcolonial StudiesHybridity
""An unexpected gem. An innovative book which explores the everyday lived reality of Muslim minorities in Hong Kong. The contemporary focus is framed by a fascinating history of South Asian Muslims which reaches back into the early 19th... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionComparative LawTheology
This paper attempts to explore the notions that the two Caribbean poets namely, Derek Walcott and Edward Kamau Brathwaite endorse on Caribbean history in their poems. Though both of these poets hold almost the same notion regarding... more
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      HybridityDerek WalcottCaribbean poetryKamau Brathwaite
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      AestheticsPerforming ArtsArtArt Theory
This study examines agenda setting in the context of Greek politics while assessing constructs of salience evolving through new journalism trends and advances in digital media. Through an exploration of the rise of Alexis Tsipras and his... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaJournalismHybridity
IntroductionThey bear upon them the traces of the particular cultures, traditions, languages and histories by which they were shaped. The difference is that they are not and will never be unified in the old sense, because they are... more
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      Gender StudiesHybridityIdentity (Culture)Narratology
Since the 1990s, change management has received considerable attention as the new paradigm for the management of organisational transformations as well as behavioural and motivational changes within both for-profit and non-profit... more
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      ManagementEducationHybridityDigital Learning Resources
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      HybridityMagical RealismPostmodernityArjun Appadurai
This research argues that the spaces of skateboarding are hybrid. This is evidenced by not only the construction of numerous skateparks throughout the world, and their incorporation of design elements from the city, but the exclusion of... more
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This article seeks to draw links between intersectionality and queer studies as epistemological strands by examining their common methodological tasks and by tracing some similar difficulties of translating theory into research methods.... more
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      Queer StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologyHybridityIntersectionality and Social Inequality To date, the nascent consequential notion of 'multiple modernities' has been predominately grounded in historical research with the purpose of validating the theory. Yet, the notion of multiple... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Mélusine, as the founding mother of the house of Lusignan, has a peculiar origin story. Cursed by her fairy mother at a young age, she is forced to transform her body into a half-serpent guise every Saturday. When that monstrous bodily... more
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      HybridityMelusineThe Construction of Self in LiteratureEmotions In Literature
This article investigates the entanglement of knowledge regarding vegetable gardening in early colonial Bengal through the prism of the yearly vegetable exhibitions organized in Calcutta by the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of... more
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      BotanyHorticultureHybridityBritish Empire
This thesis intends to disentangle the various understandings of hybridity in peace-building, while pointing out the weaknesses of its claims. Instead of considering it as an alternative to liberal peace-building, this work regards... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHybridityPostcolonial TheoryPeace Studies
Antoine Volodine and Christian Garcin both make a distinctive use of shamanism in fictional novels. By multiplying shaman characters and intertwining the shamanistic principles and the narrative, they develop a poetic of instability... more
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      HybridityShamanismHybridizationAntoine Volodine
The works of Marguerite Duras show visible hybridity, broadly understood as a mixture of genres, correspondence of the arts, or intertextuality. Her texts reflect, par excellence, this tendency because they keep departing from classical... more
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      HybridityHybridizationMarguerite DurasTransgression Studies
In this entry I offer some prefatory discursive remarks about identity; then, owing to the dominance of psychological theories, a brief overview of some of its salient themes will be adumbrated; this will be followed by a discussion... more
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      Self and IdentityHybridityCultural IdentityPersonal Identity
In a society characterized by ever-changing identity- and boundary-redefinition, the confines among different kinds of art are shifting consistently. Painting, photography, and cinema often surface in post-modern literature directly or... more
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      Literature and cinemaHybridityHybridizationHybridity and Cultural Identity
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      LawHybridityTortureNiklas Luhmann
Instead of asking how globalization can help us understand Ireland today, this article starts from the premise that Ireland may be useful for an understanding of globalization. Always at a crossroads culturally and through its huge... more
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      HybridityNationalismNational IdentityMultilingual Studies, Identity Studies, Border identities, hybridity, multilingualism, poetry, bilingual poetry, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, globalization studies, third culture kids
The Red Steppe of Joseph Kessel is a valuable work, insofar as it is mainly characterized by its generic hybridity. The six novellas oscillate between the biographical and autobiographical, between history and fiction, between the... more
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A number of important legal and institutional experiments have been undertaken at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), a UN-backed tribunal established to try some of the most egregious crimes of the Pol Pot era.... more
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      SociologyCriminal JusticeInternational LawHuman Rights
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      HybridityEthnic GeographyEthnicityHungary minority in Slovakia
"This paper explores the dialectics of authenticity and hybridity – two concepts that tend to be theoretically conceived in terms of mutual exclusion, while fictional texts have for quite some time started to enact them as analogous and... more
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      HybridityAuthenticityJonathan LethemPost-postmodernism
Les prothèses concernent aujourd’hui une majorité d’entre nous et prennent de multiples formes : dentaires, visuelles, auditives, mammaires, etc. L’idée commune assimile la prothèse à un objet remédiant à une fonction défaillante.... more
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      DentistryEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceDeaf studies
The hybridity that is seen everywhere in symbolist poetry is not so much evidence of a temporary trend of the era following the interest in the crossing of species in nature as much as it is an attempt to confront the very nature of “art”... more
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      HybridityHybridizationModernityStéphane Mallarmé
This paper considers Sergio Troncoso's _From This Wicked Patch of Dust_ as a resistance novel. I argue that Troncoso relies on form, language, and indigenous myths and symbols to resist dominant American linguistic authority and popular... more
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      Chicano StudiesLatino/A StudiesIndigenous StudiesBorder Studies
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      Cultural StudiesGlobalizationEthnographyHybridity
Hybridity conveys the idea of the interweaving of practices, norms and identities that defy any compartmentalisation into fundamentally bounded entities. This results from processes of hybridisation whereby actors cross boundaries that... more
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      HybridityMozambiqueJusticeTraditional Leadership
A troca de músicas pela Internet, o avanço da pirataria, o declínio das grandes gravadoras, o aumento no número de pequenos e bem-sucedidos selos, a proliferação da música eletrônica, a facilidade para se gravar decorrentes de novas... more
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Open banking is a revolutionized technique of providing banking services to the customer through third party mediums without actually exposing the bank's sensitive data. It implements the RESTful services in form of APIs to... more
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      HybridityApis melliferaJSONVpa
Based on postcolonial and postmodern theories, this paper explores Hybridity as a Counter-Hegemonic Discourse in Elizabeth Nunez's Even in Paradise. While criticism has yet to study Nunez's work from a postcolonial perspective, Even in... more
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      Gender StudiesHybridityIdentity (Culture)Narratology
Chinatown, as a distinctive urban space, exists in almost all major cities in Western countries. As a richly storied place, Chinatown has been the focus of successive generations of social science ...
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      Cultural StudiesGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
This article focuses on the broad spread of shanzhai culture in 2008, exploring the central question: what is it that brings such disparate phenomena together under one label? Shanzhai things have typically emerged from new spaces for... more
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      Chinese StudiesHybridityCultural TheoryCultural Politics
The articles included in this special collection examine the implementation of varied conservation agendas, seeking to integrate the strengths of a political ecology framework with insights derived from Science and Technology Studies... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceClimate ChangeConservation BiologyConservation
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      HybridityHungarian-Jewish literatureHybridizationIntertextuality
Current critical theorizations within citizenship studies on the condition of migrants and refugees celebrate the nomadic dimension of the contemporary migrant/refugee figure and assign her the potential to disrupt hegemonic practices of... more
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      SociologyFrench StudiesPostcolonial StudiesHybridity
This article critically considers the legacy of hybridity in African popular music studies and questions whether contemporary African engagements with diasporic popular musics like hip hop call for new interpretations of musical genre.... more
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      AnthropologyPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicEthnomusicology