

syrian, 21
immoderate ^^

Favorite films

  • The Long Day Closes
  • Tangerine
  • Cure
  • What Happened Was...

Recent activity

  • Educating Rita


  • Metropolitan


  • Dont Look Back


  • Love & Friendship


Recent reviews

  • Educating Rita

    Educating Rita


    So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • What Happened Was...

    What Happened Was...


    Oh my god! Thanks very much to user goop for putting this in my notice, it's one of my favourite films now! So indulgent, subversive, evasive, gripping, dozens of different things, really expansive and rich for its span, hard to get loose of it after it was over. Perfect lulls! Surreal sensation at the end, you lose yourself and join them while watching and when it's over, I kept myself and lost the rest. Gonna stick for a while, thanks again goop.

Popular reviews

  • Conclave



    Liked it but didn't love it on my first watch but couldn't stop thinking about it. I had to read the book the next day and give it a rewatch. I think the ironic quips being spread around about this movie gave me a first impression that affected how I was looking at the film in the first leg of my viewing experience, but I felt the earnestness and it stuck with me. I might write a review later, for now I'll be self indulgent with my rating...

  • The Quiet Girl

    The Quiet Girl


    my mom wanted us to do more things together and i had i told her about this movie right after i watched it months ago, so i suggested that we watch it together. i knew she was going to like it, she unerringly loves whichever movie i show her, but i didn't expect anything more than that. she always warns me against distracting her or talking during us watching movies, so we sat through the whole thing in complete silence,…