
David Pro

Favorite films

  • Blue Velvet
  • Blade Runner
  • Oldboy
  • Fargo

Recent activity

  • It Happened One Night


  • Last Breath


  • Opus


  • The Professor and the Madman


Recent reviews

  • It Happened One Night

    It Happened One Night


    Perhaps it's unfair that I'm comparing this to One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and The Silence of the Lambs (both incredible, five star films). But - of course - this film does share with the other two films the record of having won all five top Oscars (Picture/Production, Actor, Actress, Screenplay, Director). It is certainly the least of the three.
    A comparison to the other nominees in the 1935 ceremony reveals that it was probably the best of a…

  • Last Breath

    Last Breath


    Well, it turns out that Last Breath (2025) didn't depart too much from the actual story. This is efficient documentary storytelling - and it's an extraordinary story. Watching this so close to the 2025 version highlighted some plus and minus points:
    + The whole CPU reboot thing is dealt with in 30 seconds here, and isn't a major plot point (as I suspected). The reason why the captain and first mate have to work together to manually operate the ship…

Popular reviews

  • You'll Never Find Me

    You'll Never Find Me


    There is...
    *pregnant pause*
    ...lots to admire in this...
    *sideways look*
    The filmmakers clearly know how to make a film, frame shots, etc. The cinematography has a clarity and crispness to it. The acting is fine, albeit having to cope with a flat script.
    *cacophonous noise*
    But the narrative is so stretched out and repetitive. Through large parts of this, I was thinking about everything I had to do tomorrow, such was the lack of anything to focus on here.…

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    I'm now regretting having just read the book ahead of seeing the film (finishing it last night, no less). It was perhaps too fresh and vivid in my head that it became a minor distraction. While everyone else was going "wow!" at all of its plot turns, I was like "tell me about it....". And while others are expressing their admiration for Lanthimos' boldness and vision, I'm thinking "well, he's only really setting out on film what Gray did on…