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Recent reviews

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


    What can I say?

    The filmmaking is exquisite. It is, of course, a masterclass in directing. So technically speaking, the film is good.

    But you cannot polish a turd. Make no mistake, this is one of the most poorly written, disjointed, senseless stories I've ever seen. That's to say nothing of the fact that it's rotten to its core. You can tell me how important The Birth of a Nation is to film history, and I still won't want to…

  • Naqoyqatsi



    This one definitely stretched my patience. I found myself frequently questioning whether or not the filmmaker knew why certain images were included or not. 

    I like a lot of its ideas, but I’m not as happy with the package as a whole. Certain ideas overstay their welcome.

  • The Good Shepherd

    The Good Shepherd


    very well, I will assist you.

  • Sudden Fury

    Sudden Fury


    What a burger to bite into. Good chew, nice & juicy. See, it ain’t too gourmet for most tastes but sometimes that curbside chef has the business you wanna bust for, capiche?

    So here I am watching these rocked up car totaling dueling dudes duke it out for the truth, but what bubbles up? Sometimes scum, sometimes fresh vegetables.

    Careful who you eat soup with. That’s the moral, eh? Cause you don’t wanna stick your nose over the wrong broth. Might get burnt. 

    I give it a 7/10 and I bet you bet you bet I’d tellyatawatchit.
