

Favorite films

  • The Matrix
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Scavengers Reign
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Eastern Promises


  • Everything Everywhere All at Once


  • Withnail & I


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Snowpiercer meets Starship Troopers meets…. hope??

    I always rate films higher when I see them in the cinema, but this was everything I wanted it to be. No complaints.

    Definitely the most optimistic film I’ve seen by Bong Joon Ho, I kept waiting for the horrible depressing ending and it just didn’t come. I cried like 3 times

  • Withnail & I

    Withnail & I


    It’s a very clever film but my enjoyment varied wildly throughout. I think I just don’t like watching angry substance abusers lol

Popular reviews

  • Gangs of New York

    Gangs of New York


    loved the outfits & set design. basically zero interest in the story 😳

  • Secretary



    Mixed feelings! My only real comparison to another film with kink is 50 shades, so that made this look great. So nice to see a woman who really enjoys, wants it, seeks it out because she doesn’t feel fulfilled without it! I liked the kinky bits that were just them having fun, I liked how ridiculous it was because that’s so real 😭 the saddle & carrot is so fun, the letters with typos framed on the walls is literally so…
