1st Watchlist Item - Those ones that I need to see but don't know exactly why.
movies ive only watched a portion of
A list of movies that I've either started and not finished or stumbled into a stituation where I only watch…
A Year of Pictures: 2024
EIGHT FILMS PER GROUP, ONE FILM PER DECADE IN EACH GROUP, '50s THRU '20s. Each string of 8 movies should…
"Pocket Dogs" Marathon
6th Watchlist Item - I am making a soundtrack for the timeless classic, Pocket Dogs, being adapted into a 5-minute…
Folks' recs
5th Watchlist Item - This one is for the people who love to exclaim shock when I haven't seen certain…
2nd Watchlist Item - Those ones that I'm motivated to watch because of some concrete reason.
French Films
3rd Watchlist Item - Any movie whose primary language is french - and I intend to see it.
Featured Awarded Films from the Big Five Film Festivals
Films that have received one of the following: - Palme d'Or (Cannes) - Leone d'Oro (Venice) - Goldener Bär (Berlin)…