

the replies when you say you don't like some euro erotic thriller from the 80s

Favorite films

  • Daisies
  • Belladonna of Sadness
  • Ma mère
  • The Color of Pomegranates

Recent activity

  • Ma mère


  • I Saw the TV Glow


  • Envy/Desire


  • Poor Things


Recent reviews

  • Ma mère

    Ma mère


    i dont even use letterboxd anymore but i need to log this one because WHAT THE FUCK. i was so gagged. like i had to pause it to get up and pace around. my jaw dropped multiple times. INSANE

  • I Saw the TV Glow

    I Saw the TV Glow


    a horror movie where the horror is reading cis people's reviews of it

Popular reviews

  • Beautiful Darling

    Beautiful Darling


    candy was unflinchingly radiant, a star in every sense of the word, cruelly snuffed out by a society that persecuted her, "friends" that discarded her, and a body that betrayed her. still, her short life was profoundly impactful and she remains an icon to this day.

    this documentary centers cis people's opinions of her embodiment to a more than uncomfortable extent. the compiled archival footage is wonderful, but so much of the narration feels like desecrating a corpse: yet another injustice for her soul to endure.

    tricky mother nature, indeed </3

  • Working Girls

    Working Girls


    blowjobs are real jobs and real jobs suck: the movie
