same as the book, i think the idea is cool but both fail to do anything too interesting with it. great performances from everyone tho. steven yeun's perfect role selection record stays unharmed
Best quote: "what a great mom"
jeremy strong in business media is the greatest type cast of all time
Best quote: "how can I be racist when I have a black driver Mary?" 😭
For a while now I was sort of hoping more films would adapt the realism behind living with covid onto the big screen. Wuhan driver has probably done it the best.
It's shot nicely, makes u sympathize with the protagonist and every taxi driver on the planet instantly, and also sheds light on some real world issues in a great way.
A beautiful story told in less than 14 mins. Now all I want to do is watch short films. Thanks, Tiger.
Best quote: "I'll make you Hot Dry Noodles. Your favourite". W mom.
Best batman? Yup. Best Catwoman? Yup. Best Gordon? Yup. Best Riddler? Yup. Best Penguin? Yup. Best movie I've ever seen in my entire fucking lifespan? Yup.
What do u think of when u hear "a superhero movie"? Ya this is not that. This is fucking cinema. Shot beautifully, amazing acting, top tier action. It's perfect.
Tl;dr: I want Matt Reeves to start my family.
Best quote: "When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call, it's a warning",…