#193 0f 501 movies in 501 days.
[Review Pending]
#192 0f 501 movies in 501 days.
[Review Pending]
#45 of 501 movies in 501 days.
Scar Jo’s british accent was so goddamn bad. Acting in general was weak. But I also think Nolan is a weak / hack director in general. Just because you present the story out of order, and cut scenes in a way to create ambiguity about the reality of the story world does not makes it deep or interesting or whatever. It’s like 2 hours of montages, and Michael Caine explaining all the confusing…
#104 0f 501 movies in 501 days.
This movie was interesting. It’s a drama and a mystery, but even moreso, a carefully constructed character study.
My favorite bit of cultural color displayed in the film was the opportunity to view a highly dramatized example of the flamboyant and hostile French judicial system.
It was also interesting to experience friction for the characters individual barriers via their language, culture, gender, age, and disability.
Which brings me to additionally comment on my…