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  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    "Would you give a guy a foot massage?" - Vincent Vega

    It is certain that Pulp Fiction is Tarantino´s homage to cinema, and his love for filmmaking is clearly shown in this masterpiece. Call it the basic choice, a racist movie, or a copycat movie, but we all have to admit that this film made us cinephiles and appreciate cinema on a whole new level. You may love it, or you may hate it, but it is true. And it´s…

  • Emma.



    “I promise to make none for myself. But I must for other people. It’s the greatest amusement in the world.” – Emma

    After various adaptations of Jane Austen´s 1815 novel, Autumn de Wilde´s directorial debut gives us a quirky yet cute and very funny experience.

    I remember the day I saw this film. I was feeling a little bit depressed and just wanted to have a laugh, and oh, did I laughed.
    First of all, this is a very funny…

Popular reviews

  • Molly's Game

    Molly's Game


    "You know what makes you feel okay about losing? Winning." - Molly Bloom

    Money, poker, power; all of that and more is at stake in this film, and damn did Jessica Chastain gave it all in it.
    This movie proves just how talented Jessica Chastain is. How her face, her eyes can show anger, ambition, power, and a thirst to prove herself. I dare to say that she was the key to this movie´s success. Sure, Aaron Sorkin´s writing was…