The monster killed the melody you loved.
I've come to know that memories
were the best things you ever had
It is somwhere between 6,5-7
It looks really good, the nature, "camera angles"..
It is a "maybe it is the friends we made along the way" story among other things. And that is totally ok.
I like that the animals have a completely different character and they managed to get along with each other.
What's a danger or threat for one, means surviving for others.
Maybe I was searching for an even deeper meaning.
I expected more from this.
It is somewhere between 2,5-3. Can't decide.
I liked episode 2 the most.
I can't understand, why they have a black woman as the president of the USA and the most important person is the white man ex president lol.
That is just weird.
I like Jesse Plemons.
I love De Niro but that role wasn't it.
Oh, blink twice
'cause it's another day for you and me in paradise.