Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
My boyfriend is going through the ”manic pixie dream girl” canon at present, and we made a date night of this one. Needless to say I feel it holds up. The film is visually beautiful, having an amazing grasp of the dichotomous tones that define the theme of the movie: the perfect beauty of falling in love in the present, and the wistful melancholy of memory in the past. Despite the rom com premise there are trace elements of horror,…
Fun and light hearted adventure movie. I wanted something that was nice look at and easy to digest and this delivered. Nothing truly spectacular but everything is executed well. It’s all familiar fantasy beats with some tongue in cheek delivery and quips (ooooh the quips). I’m pretty tired of these sort of movies lathering on the “I’m aware I’m in a movie right now” vibe from all the characters, but nothing was aggressively bad. Even at a fairly standard 90…
Technical and emotional masterpiece. I can’t think of a performance in it I didn’t find fantastic. So imaginative, funny, vibrant, and full of heartfelt sincerity. There were so many moments where I was in awe and wonder of what I was watching on the screen.