Starting Now
My children ❤️
I miss redbox
“I’m not asking you to forgive me, I just want you to understand.“
A story about a man finding his humility again.
Where despite everything all we can do is do our best. Spider-Man 3 is largely about forgiveness just as much as it’s about pettiness, the other side of that coin. The worst wrongs are the ones we aren’t even aware of. Confronting mistakes.
Has all the same charm and strengths the previous 2 has and Raimi is still…
“I like that. I like a little fat on my steak.”
Kind of the ultimate New Yorker movie
They rlly don’t make em like they used to
I would kill all of you and then myself for Mort
I pre came when they played the og 77 Superman and Batman 89 trailers. I came the rest of the way through too, clean up in aisle my pants!
There is so much cum in my seat
I rewatched the film yesterday and have been collecting my thoughts on it since, this is definitely one of if not my favorite movie of all time. Chazelle does what he does best and excels in this one with such sharp precision when it comes to camera work and representing the worst parts of Hollywood and the beauty of cinema. The film is so vibrant and beautiful, not just from the way it’s shot but the set design and color…