4 favorites are what I’m thinking about currently.
Pinned reviews are the last two 5-star movies I watched.
I freaking love this movie.
It’s so telling just how good of a year 2019 was for movies when this didn’t even win Best Picture, but it’s still probably one of the best films of the 21st century (no, I’m not exaggerating).
The cinematography is stunning. There is an overwhelming foreboding feeling that is amplified by the way this was shot so seamlessly. Most of the cuts are hidden so well. The simulated one-shot take makes this almost seem like…
Yes!!! More punching N*zis! That’s what makes this franchise truly great.
This is Indiana Jones’s character at his best, I believe.
This film does a great job of bringing him back down from the godlike pedestal they built for him with Temple of Doom. And while I love that movie, despite its flaws, this one excels in far greater strides because of it.
The Holy Grail is such a cool concept piece. I’ve always loved stories that make use of…
It wouldn’t be an Indiana Jones film without an insufferable female lead, now would it?
This is a slight step up from Crystal Skull, but still falls short of the iconography of the original Indy trilogy. It is a decent send off of a great character, but unfortunately the rest of the new characters feel a little underdeveloped.
I love the little nods to the older films without being too fan service-y, while still maintaining originality and adding a fresh…
Mark Ruffalo literally does the Trump dance in this lmao. The caricature is so on the nose, but it works well here and I love them for it. We need media that continues to call out the exploitation of lower classes by corporatist elitists, and pointing the finger at orange man is a great way to do it.
Robert Pattinson was unsurprisingly hilarious and great in this. I’m with others who say that the plot of the movie seems a…
Origin story for the yellow brick road is craaaaazy.
My mom (big musical fan) took me to see Wicked the musical when I was a little kid and played the soundtrack all the time on long car rides. Yet I somehow remembered very little of what this was about. And I’m glad because going into this with limited knowledge—besides the melodies occasionally floating around in my head at random intervals over the last twenty years—and low expectations was really key…