

Favorite films

  • Se7en
  • A Beautiful Mind
  • End of Watch
  • Good Will Hunting

Recent activity

  • The 40 Year Old Virgin


  • Tommy Boy


  • Vegas Vacation


  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner


Recent reviews

  • The 40 Year Old Virgin

    The 40 Year Old Virgin


    It's good, highlights include the coworkers banter and dynamics, mostly early on. Their nights out, different scenarios trying to set up Carell. And really, once it turns into sort a 'love story with a twist' in the second half with Keener, it may even be better. How Carell wins over the kids and family, and the couples fears almost leading to the end of the relationship. Really well done, funny throughout, all sorts of memorable scenes and quotables. But.. BUT…

  • Tommy Boy

    Tommy Boy


    "Shutup Richard.."

    So this is maybe my best example, being a big too young for prime Chris Farley, but he's got to be top 5 physical comedians right? Top 3? All time? Just an absolute magnet onscreen. Loveable, bumbling, funny, sympathetic, but at the same time you sort of know it's a show and he's a sharp guy in real life. But it's the physical humor most of all; the walk.. the hunched shoulders.. the baby voice, the growling sort…

Popular reviews

  • Long Pigs

    Long Pigs


    Watched on a whim after seeing it on a Reddit 'Lesser known horror' rec list. Much less horror than mockumentary and basically not scary, not even especially disturbing. But the actors my god- ok I suppose mainly the killer, Anthony- he was just fantastic. 100% believable. His facial expressions, speech & speech patterns, just insanely beliveable and well done.
    The serial killer 'experts' were great as well (also loved the 'radio voice' just being a mouth into a mic). As others…

  • Godzilla



    I know it's older now but the special effects did not impress (I also have a personal gripe with this sort of movie and how inconsistent the monster proportions ALWAYS are). Literally one of my first thoughts was.. 'wow, Broderick is annoying'. Thought he was crappy in this, even if his character was meant to be like that, which I'm not sure he was. Hank Azaria was honestly the star.
    Overall, it was just incrediblyyy formulaic. If anything I was…