

Favorite films

  • Isle of Dogs
  • The Notebook
  • Alien: Covenant
  • Pororo to the Cookie Castle

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  • The Wailing


  • The Monkey


  • Mickey 17


  • The Grand Budapest Hotel


Recent reviews

  • The Wailing

    The Wailing



  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    opening night, theater packed like a mf, me and rishab sitting in arguably the worst seats. god bless this madison yards AMC tho because it was still one hell of a viewing experience. 

    this movie was so damn entertaining. i think BJH definitely tailored this movie for western audiences. extremely entertaining, pretty shallow meaning. here and there’s of typical western capitalism and anti-trump satires, funny, but not impactful which i’m sure was intentional. 

    robert pattinson and mark ruffalo’s characters were…

Popular reviews

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

    The Grand Budapest Hotel


    i love wes anderson’s comedy and his unique use of color so so much. definitely one of my favorites. 

    very solid storytelling. despite most of the movie taking place in the past-timeline, i think the impact of the story was just as strong in the present-timeline, especially with the connection between the opening/ending scene.

    willem dafoe and ralph fiennes played their characters extremely well. i can’t really imagine a world where this movie would be this good had anyone replaced…

  • Zodiac



    The fact that this movie is pretty historically accurate makes it almost twice as disturbing and frustrating.

    Fincher does an amazing job with the compositions, especially during the crime scenes. It really makes the crime scenes both amazing and tragic while watching.

    After reading into a lot about the Zodiac killer, I think there’s an important distinction between this film being a movie rather than a documentary.
