Likes for films that really feel like "my thing".
Favorites are recent(ish) first watches or rewatches that hit me in that ~SPECIAL WAY~
I think I've been avoiding this movie, knowing it would hit hard and feel real in a way that is unappealing to my immature brain. (all this without really knowing much about the movie)
Well it hit hard. It is super real but also had just enough magical realism for my escapism addicted brain to hold on to, while being pummeled with reflections of myself and my life and the things I need to think about but don't really want…
Everything I like to see in movies/art and then some. Seen it twice now and still feel like it has more to offer me. Hardy was great as the man-with-no-name character stumbling into and surviving the story. I really dug that approach to the role, which isn't really all that different from the previous Mad Max films.
Also everything about Theron's character and performance was perfect. Furiosa went right up there with Ripley and Sarah Connor as one of the…
Why doesn't this ever get mentioned when talking about the best HK action movies? The action-to-everything else ratio is excellent, the comedic relief is actually more funny than annoying and Michelle Yeoh gets to do a lot of great stuff. There isn't a big, stand out iconic fight but the relatively straight forward plot, almost non-stop set pieces, stunts and explosions makes this one of the most entertaining movies I've watched recently. Also there's a really fun parodic exposition dump scene near the end that someone should steal for their movie.