Abdul R

Abdul R

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Favorite films

  • Notes for the End of School
  • Notes for the End of School
  • Notes for the End of School
  • Notes for the End of School

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Drive My Car


  • The Shadow Strays


  • Mank


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Jadi, gimana rasanya mati?

    Penantian 5 tahun setelah Parasite menang oscar yang terbayar sewajarnya. Nggak lebih, nggak kurang.

    Pernah terbersit di kepalaku, bagaimana ya beban seorang pembuat film yang pernah menang penghargaan bergengsi? Apakah dia masih bisa membuat film yang valuable seperti sebelumnya, atau ia terlena dengan statusnya? Apakah si sutradara masih membumi, atau malah ke jalan high concept tapi ga napak tanah? Dalam kasus Bong Joon-Ho, ia bukan keduanya, tapi dalam waktu bersamaan, beliau termasuk keduanya. Membingungkan, bukan? Mungkin…

  • Drive My Car

    Drive My Car


    As many people said, Drive My Car is the shortest 3 hours and most dynamic slow-paced movie I've ever seen in modern cinema (on non-western terms). Beautiful and moving. SAAB 900 Turbo isn't just a car, but it has a rich character on every details like all the human characters in it. This movie, is actually, the main stage of Kafuku-san's most lovable car.

Popular reviews

  • Three Days to Forever

    Three Days to Forever


    The genuity in this film is very high (baks lah), it was like Yusuf and Ambar wrote the script by themselves!

    I believe so many people make this film as their comfort film. We just enjoy watching two people, a man and a woman, casually talking about life in a moving car. Yadi Sugandi, the long-time collaborator of Riri Riza, capturing the authenticity of the panorama from Jakarta-Bandung-Jogja without too much effort in making it 'beautiful'; it's like an old…

  • 24 Hours with Gaspar

    24 Hours with Gaspar


    what genre is this? ohhhh ave maryam-core...