Alexander Beilman

Alexander Beilman Patron

I do thumbs up / thumbs down instead of stars, just suits me better.

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away
  • The Social Network
  • Brick
  • High and Low

Recent activity

  • Last Breath

  • Black Bag

  • The First Slam Dunk

  • The Electric State

Recent reviews

  • Last Breath

    Last Breath

    Easily the most functional thing about this is its obvious understanding of the mechanics and technology of the dive, no doubt as a result of the documentary of the same name that predates this by 6 years. That said, and having not seen the documentary, it's nevertheless quite clear that it was the more intended format for this story. The plotting and character beats are entirely paint-by-the-numbers, and I can't help but feel like the best version of this could be more ambitious visually or thematically.

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag

    Completely won over by this! Sleek, exciting, romantic! Just completely knocks down exactly what it's going for, and while there isn't some overdone huge set-piece, that's simply because in keeping things small-ball, in staying on the point, Soderbergh yet again wins the day! Boggles the mind there isn't some small outfit just churning out 10 of these a year.

    If I could make movies like this I'd do it my whole damn life!

Popular reviews

  • Collateral Beauty

    Collateral Beauty


    attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.


    I hate that word. I think it's horribly misused by people when describing media that they just don't quite "get".

    But this. This damn movie. This is exactly the kind of preachy, pandering bullshit that studios think they can churn out in December and collect awards come February. For what it's worth, I hope no one sees it and I hope…

  • Red Riding Hood

    Red Riding Hood

    Consistently baffled that this is a real thing that exists in the real world made by real people who've done real things.