Ábel Tölgyes

Ábel Tölgyes

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Fight Club
  • Drive
  • American Psycho

Recent activity

  • The House That Jack Built


  • Top Gun: Maverick


  • Contact


  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace


Recent reviews

  • The House That Jack Built

    The House That Jack Built


    Holy shit this was traumatising.
    The sheer insanity, and chaos this movie descends into is terrifying. 
    The further you watch, the more messed up it gets, to the point you can’t believe you are watching the same movie you were 50 minutes ago. 
    If you compare the first murder to the last, the difference is astronomical. The first one is normal. Just a murder movie killing a person. But by the time you get to the last murder the movie…

  • Top Gun: Maverick

    Top Gun: Maverick


    Absolutely amazing. A great experience to watch, and never once boring. The soundtrack is great and the first few minutes (launching a strike group from a carrier) was epic.

    Plot: 8/10 (the whole mission could have been avoided using Tomahawks)
    Acting: 10/10
    Pacing: 9/10
    Soundtrack: 8.5/10
    Cinematography: 9.5/10
    Personal enjoyment: 10/10
    Rewatchability: 8/10

Popular reviews

  • The Platform

    The Platform


    Great concept, but could have been done better. It's kinda slow, and the soundtrack is not very noticeably great. It did a few things right though. It demonstrated how humans would act in a situation like this, and showed us the core of human nature in a very believable and realistic way. Still slow and dry though.

  • Oxygen



    Very intense, will have you hanging at the edge of your seat the whole time. Phenomenal cinematography, visually pleasing, and great soundtrack. Not a single moment of boredom, and many plot twists. There are like 4 or 5 major plot twists and the ending is insane.

    I would definitely recommend this for you to watch.

    Jumpscare warning!