McCarthy's is one of my favourite books ever, and this movie achieves something very hard, to translate the prose to something just as engaging.
Thank god the baby scene did not make it across though, my nightmares are safer that way.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
This is my favourite movie ever. I haven't cried this much with one before. Lucia knows who she is and what she wants, and her journey and the realizations of those who surround her is beautiful to watch.
Specially, the last few scenes, where the familly is looking for her, finally embracing her as Lucia, while she has gone to present herself to the bees, is something that will live with me forever.
I might also now want to be a beekeeper when I grow old
es la mejor película que he visto nunca, me ha cambiado la forma de mirar a la vida y apreciarla, me siento una persona nueva, liberada, renacida. todo gracias a mi hermana por habérmela recomendado, ella es tan inteligente emocionalmente y por eso esta es su película favorita, menos mal que es tan humilde y maja de haberla compartido conmigo. top experiencias de mi vida: haber visto esta obra maestra