
Morris Pro

Favorite films

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Dead Man
  • Road to Perdition

Recent activity

  • 28 Weeks Later


  • Back to the Future Part III


  • Back to the Future Part II


  • Shrek 2


Recent reviews

  • Hugo



    Der erste Film, den ich in 3D gesehen habe, bei dem ich das Gefühl habe, dass wenn ich ihn nochmal in 2D sehen würde, ich etwas vermissen würde. Scorsese und Richardson haben sich da merklich bei jeder Einstellung Gedanken gemacht.

    Außerdem ein schöner Familienfilm. Scorsese kann nicht nur Gangster.

  • Meet Joe Black

    Meet Joe Black


    Warum beschwert sich jedes zweite Review darüber, dass der Film drei Stunden lang ist? Vier Folgen von ner Serie bingen ist genauso lang und wer das noch nicht getan hat werfe den ersten Stein.

Popular reviews

  • Kill Your Darlings

    Kill Your Darlings


    For a film about poetry, this is remarkably little poetic. It’s not even really about said poetry but about the escapades of the poets. It tells us nothing about what Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burrough and Carr actually stood for besides breaking rules, drugs, and gay sex (which is fair enough, I guess). At best it wakes an interest to actually find out who those people actually were, something a biopic should be the answer to already.
    Besides the lackluster and structurally…

  • Glass Onion

    Glass Onion


    After Knives Out (2019) I thought that Rian Johnson might not be as bad a director as I previously believed. Glass Onion convinced me he’s much worse. 
    Usually I can get something positive out of every film and if it’s only a "it was so bad it’s good again“. This isn’t even that. It’s just bad. Not even worth a fancy synonym for bad. It’s bland, predictable, boring, blunt: everything a mystery shouldn’t be. It’s not even entertainingly bad.