log starting 20.7.23
trying not to fall victim to recency bias with my top 4
oHhh who could it be that murdered all these people? 🤔💭 oHhhh no idea, i wonder who?? 🧐
oh, 😐 maybe mr-evil-stare, mr-i-massacred-an-entire-settlement-last-movie, over here? 👈🤨
shoutout to rachel because re-watching it with the more accurate translation for waymond’s monologue in mind made me 10x more emotional when it came up.
i adore this movie so much. this movie is truly a movie which can hit so many different types of people, but living the culture of this universe and having literally experienced some of the things that joy did always makes me especially emo. there are way too many things that i could sit…
someone stop this (1) obsessive (2) sociopathic (3) murderous (4) stroppy teenager