

Favorite films

  • Le Mans
  • Rebel Without a Cause
  • Grand Prix
  • Chinatown

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  • The Fast and the Furious


  • Poolhall Junkies


  • Conclave


  • Porco Rosso


Recent reviews

  • The Fast and the Furious

    The Fast and the Furious


    "i dunno, theres just somethin about engines that calms me down..."

    saw this one for the first time in a while with one of my friends who had never seen it & it still hits.

    almost impossible for me to rate impartially due to the fact every corny line in this movie has now long since been embedded into car culture. everything about this movie captures the early 2000s in a way few films can. so much nostalgia.

  • Poolhall Junkies

    Poolhall Junkies


    "this weekend, i'm at this chick's house, 28 years old still with the whole stuffed animals on the bed thing, like isn't that kinda strange?"

    "chris, all chicks do that stuffed animal thing, they're fuckin weird, you just can't let that shit bother you!"

    a lot of the negative things people say about this film are due in large part to them taking it too seriously. we have dramatic pool movies, we have "The Hustler," we have "The Color of…

Popular reviews

  • Porco Rosso

    Porco Rosso


    my favorite ghibli film. probably always will be.

  • The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

    The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou


    "Anne-Marie, do the interns get Glocks?"

    just a big boat & a tiny red beanie.
    Jacques Cousteau has always been a hero of mine. Wes Anderson built a world that loosely revolves around what his life with like (just add handguns, a broken marriage, absent fathers, & a moby dick-esque man vs animal revenge story) so it couldn't have been any less than five stars.
