Cinema turns me on
FOUR Favourites categorised through Genres!
“When we are young, we expect the people we love behave like gods. And as we grow older we realise we are none of us gods. We are all humans….. tragically humans….. and we all of us make mistakes right up to end of our lives. You may understand this one day”
Intermezzo I never knew Hollywood introduced gorgeous Ingrid Bergman in Hollywood and she was introduced with such a beautiful music & also Intermezzo as a Piece itself would have a separate emotional character playing in everyone’s lives.
Again, need to watch the original Swedish 1936 version of Bergman herself.
“White Pines Slaughter”
You take some decades old story material, and instead of investing anything into it, you merely throw all your creative ideas in other aspects of the material. And that’s what the makers of this film actually did, and did it almost right.
In a violent Nature, displays the nature itself, and how mankind and nature balances itself out. If you look at Johnny’s backstory, it’s totally bizarre, yet vague. Similar to how our beloved Jason Voorhees’s character had…
“Better thriller than other shitzzzz”
This was so so good, tight script which doesn’t meander and gets lost along its way.
“Bad bad bad bad”
They knew this would be trashy baddy but the conviction it progressed with is another big thing. There are so many things happening from right to left, characters coming in and going out of the script, and everything you see happens with such confidence.
“Angry Young Woman”
Really want to know what films Vasan Bala watched to cook this up entirely! His direction is fantastic no doubt, the visuals are amazing no doubt at all, music is emotionally thrilling, but the plot was a bit of concern.
While they added emotional depth in the film, in the story, in characters, the plot itself got a bit muddled. Still the execution was fine and was handled with utmost care, given the subject it deals with.
Not the best prison break film but a decent one.
Wow! Run Lola Run!
Lola has to bring 100000 deutschmarks to his boyfriend in 20min. No head start nothing. Just 20min.
It has style, it has charisma, and many more stuff which I can't name, blended to make this come alive.
I'm not sure if the three narratives or three perspectives or episodes are to be considered as acts, but no.
I especially like the NOW AND THEN sequence, where a character's then story is showcased with still images, so…