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Favorite films

  • Crash
  • Phantom Thread
  • Anatomy of Hell
  • Pride & Prejudice

Recent activity

  • The Substance


  • It Ends with Us


  • Creep 2


  • Sanctuary


Recent reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    did I think the substance was a good movie? sure. did I personally enjoy it? absolutely not I'm gonna puke. 
    it was not as profound as ppl were making it out to be and the gore did a lot of the heavy lifting for a message that was kind of lacking in depth. And the satirical elements were so on the nose they kind of just came across as SNL-esque. there needed to be a better script writer in that room.

  • It Ends with Us

    It Ends with Us


    Script: ass. Didn't even need to read the book to know it was directly lifted from ms hoover cos it just didn't translate to things actually coming out of people's mouths.
    Character building: ass. All they did was boink for the first HOUR of the movie and that was meant to sell us Ryle??? Then the supposed resolution??? Don’t piss me off.
     But above all.... Editing: ASS!!! Whooo edited this???!
    The most bizarre sequences/ pacing/ song scene combos I actually think they could have made it less awful if it wasn't edited like one long commercial

  • Creep 2

    Creep 2


    Now this is romance

  • Sanctuary



    this is literally what happened to my buddy roman roy
