

80s cinema is the bane of my existence

Favorite films

  • 12 Angry Men
  • Hocus Pocus
  • Flow
  • Get Out

Recent activity

  • Shadow of a Doubt


  • The Thing


  • The Matrix


  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre


Recent reviews

  • Shadow of a Doubt

    Shadow of a Doubt


    Dear Alfred Hitchcock (or whatever remains of you),

    I'm sure you were a great man. I'm sure you had values, hopes and aspirations. I'm sure you fell asleep every night dreaming of being the hollywood accent, clean-shaven pretty boy rescuing your damsel in distress. I'm sure you thoroughly enjoyed your morning baths in a tub full of cash, generously given to you by all the morons who worshipped and worship you like their own personal airhead Jesus. I'm sure you…

  • The Thing

    The Thing


    What is the average letterboxd film bro's idea of a horror film? That's right, you guessed it! A slow, boring and one dimensional film tackling an overplayed concept or a melange of two that relies on disgust or the unearned praise of a male director (or both) and contains next to no female agency. There are a million horror movies out there, and what you consider scary is 10 interchangeable male characters having poorly acted arguments and tantrums about who…

Popular reviews

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

    The Texas Chain Saw Massacre


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • Clueless



    I'm sorry to the girls. I'm sooo sorry to the gays. I tried to like this movie, I really did, but it's so camp that it hurts my soul. It had me laughing throughout the whole thing not because it was funny but because it was so painfully unserious. I tried to watch it three separate times and the only way I could manage to get through it was by having it play in the background while I was doing…