The kind of movie that is the definition of fun. It far exceeded my expectations in my first viewing. Genuinely feels like a D&D campaign where every single plan you make inevitably fails.
Holga is the best character.
The kind of movie that is the definition of fun. It far exceeded my expectations in my first viewing. Genuinely feels like a D&D campaign where every single plan you make inevitably fails.
Holga is the best character.
My enjoyment steadily declined the further the movie went on. The last 20 minutes or so left me on the brink of hating it.
"Based on a short story by Stephen King" explains the lack of coherent rules or tone, although artistic liberties could have magnified those issues. Maybe that's barely a factor, considering that The Shining, The Mist, Gerald's Game, etc. exist. I dunno.
The handful of scenes that cut to news footage made me think this took place in the 90's. What was with the camera quality and aspect ratio?
Anyway, here's a list of positives:
• One scene that was visually kinda neat
• Good performances
• The dynamic between Emilia and Rita is engaging, mostly due to their performances
• The very basic premise is potentially interesting
Here's the bad:
• Mostly visually bleh
• The story feels like a series…
The isometric camera perspective in that one action scene was awesome. Had me itching to re-play Hotline Miami or Ape Out.
Also, the scene with the stairs shenanigans? Perfection.