Cinematic Producer
We are like the dreamer who dreams, and then lives inside the dream
I actually really enjoyed this film - perfect cast of Madeline Brewer, Samantha Robinson - but it felt like it squandered its potential to be great. What a shame. Such an interesting black mirror-esque premise...but lacking follow-through of some interesting characters it produced.
Why did this remind me of my pretentious college? 💀 I absolutely love Hugh Grant in this role as this deranged matyr making philosphy bro who sings Radiohead's Creep & tortures you with game metaphors. They gamify'd the nuns a bit too much for this to feel as authentic & the ending was predictable as early as the first scene in the house.
Imagine seeing Prince live...blown away by vampire prince's ability to have telepathetic synth sex in lacey blindfolds
OTGW is a charming, fantastical adventure between two brothers travelling to visit Adelaide and to discover purpose and meaning along the way; might it be a place where music is always playing, love is in the air and unlikely friendships form.
If you're looking for a quaint and wholesome film to cozy up to this fall, look no further!