
AFilmDude Patron

Favorite films

  • Modern Times
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1
  • Punch-Drunk Love

Recent activity

  • The Birth of a Nation


  • Meet the Robinsons


  • The Graduate


  • Notorious


Pinned reviews

  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    Birthday countdown film 14 - Pulp Fiction

    I've noticed that when I log and review this film I'm always going on about how influential it was to me and how much it's changed me without ever going in depth on why, and, to put it simply, it's just so cool. Like I know this film gets clowned on a lot and is called "THE filmbro movie" and I honestly think that that's the only reason why I've been holding back…

  • Digofus


    This is another short film made by me and my friends.

    I genuinely think it's pretty good and easily my best so far.
    I think it's clear where I've drawn my inspirations but that's a good thing in my opinion since if you can't take inspiration from the artists of the past then nothing genuine that comes from the heart would be made.

    So give it a watch and let me know what you think as I'm always looking to improve.

    Here it is if you'd like to watch it: Digofus

Recent reviews

  • The Birth of a Nation

    The Birth of a Nation


    Thoroughly belive I should be congratulated for finishing this film. Just putting aside the very obvious disgraces of this movie for a second, it's so boring and drawn out. Some of the worst pacing I've seen in a while. I can definitely appreciate the scale of it, having thousands upon thousands of extras, each with unique costumes and props. There are also really great set pieces and production design but that's the only positive thing I belive this movie should…

  • Meet the Robinsons

    Meet the Robinsons


    This was one of those films that I'd see scenes on the TV all the time when I was younger but had never fully watched it until now, and it's good, but just nothing that special in my opinion. It's got a really interesting concept and it's executed well but the characters are pretty stale and it doesn't do much to set it apart from a lot of other time travel films. But it's fun, it's entertaining, I'll probably watch it again one day.

Popular reviews

  • The Lion King

    The Lion King


    The grandest and most spectacular achievement Disney as a whole has ever or will ever make. The scale of just about everything in this movie is astounding. I can't say enough good things. There's a reason why many consider it to be the greatest animated film ever made, there's a reason why every single scene in this thing is iconic. It's a Shakespearerian tragedy told in a way for both kids and adults to enjoy in just over 90 minutes. It's a masterpiece.