
niné Pro

she/he ☆ professional al pacino enjoyer
top 4 are current favs ☆ personal canon

Favorite films

  • Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat
  • I'm Not There
  • Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
  • Head

Recent activity

  • Videodrome


  • Memories of Murder


  • The Conformist

  • Babel


Recent reviews

  • Videodrome



    videodrome biebstreak behoude💪💪💯

  • Memories of Murder

    Memories of Murder


    goede film maar ik ga slecht op de mensen (incl peter) die doen alsof bepaalde scènes grappig zijn, bv wanneer dat meisje denkt dat ze aangerand gaat worden door die cops bij dat grasheuveltje. mensen die daarom moeten lachen gingen wss ook stuk toen mikey madison werd aangevallen door die mannen in anora...

Popular reviews

  • Apartment Zero

    Apartment Zero


    has colin firth ever played a straight man?

  • A Complete Unknown

    A Complete Unknown


    Sucks pretty bad obviously.
    Don't even feel riled up enough to write a really mean review because this movie is just Nothing. Bored me to death kinda.
    There is a scene in Todd Haynes' Im Not There where Cate Blanchett's Bob Dylan gets on stage with his band and massacres his audience with machine guns to signify the moment he went electric. That is everything. That is art. This is a historically not so acurate wikipeadia page with a bad…