

• 23 • She/her •
acá es donde expreso mi lado más hater

Favorite films

  • Out of the Blue
  • Two of Us
  • Juno
  • Amélie

Recent activity

  • Phantoms

  • You Won't Be Alone


  • Singles


  • Nosferatu


Recent reviews

  • You Won't Be Alone

    You Won't Be Alone


    La primera mitad de la película la hicieron larguísima; lo único entretenido fue el personaje de Maria, me cagué de risa con lo forra que es. Después lo que es el resto de la peli me gustó más, aunque la narración es, de principio a fin, bastaaante tediosa, tanto que, llegando a cierto punto, ni me gasté en seguirle el hilo. Pero como es folk horror (ponele) y trata de brujas, le doy tres estrellas.

  • Singles



    ok so i'm ngl this was a bit all over the place, buuut the soundtrack is great, i loved how it captured the 90s vibes and i specially loved all the BADDIES in this film omg (tbh the only reason i had this in my watchlist, i'll admit it🤚🏻😔).

Popular reviews

  • Submarine



    *sonriendo como una boluda cada vez q Alex Turner empieza a cantar*

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    Visually stunning. But the logic driving this film's plot is so fucking misogynistic, holy shit.

    This film feels like it was made by a leftist man who brings up feminist topics only for his own gain, meaning: he doesn't care enough to learn an actual thing about women's issues. He only purposely misunderstands them to give them the meaning that he prefers to understand and that benefits him the most to believe.
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