Alex Herrera

Alex Herrera

“Do or do not. There is no try”

Favorite films

  • Gladiator
  • Oppenheimer
  • Top Gun
  • Silver Linings Playbook

Recent activity

  • The Dark Knight


  • Batman Begins


  • GoodFellas


  • Silver Linings Playbook


Recent reviews

  • The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight


    So so good, again. Obviously Heath Ledger is amazing in this, such a fun watch as always. I see why this is regarded as one of the best comic book movies, but I still love Batman Begins slightly more, but TDK is an absolute masterpiece still.

    Finished this on my second flight, watching the ending of trilogy when coming home ✈️

  • Batman Begins

    Batman Begins


    Favorite of the Nolan Batman trilogy. Love the gritty and more down to earth side of Batman and Bruce Wayne’s origin. Liam Neeson’s a bad ass as always. 

    Bale > any other Batman 😤
    (great plane movie too btw)

Popular reviews

  • GoodFellas



    One of those classic gangster movies you have to watch. Thoroughly enjoyed it, Joe Pesci was awesome, easily see why he got an Oscar here. It was really good, but maybe a bit overhyped?? Loved it though.

  • Se7en




    I've prolly started watched this one like 3 times ... but just have never finished. Don't really know why tho, the amazing suspense and action just drag you in. Loved coming to the same realization (time-wise) as Mills (Pitt) as John Doe was talking about his day and who he visited. Tbh I prolly woulda done the same thing as Mills haha.

    Really enjoyed this though, Spacey sure can play a creepy dude well lmaooo
