

Made this to share my unwanted opinion with the world.

Favorite films

  • Mysterious Skin
  • La Haine
  • Tokyo Fist
  • Angel Dust

Recent activity

  • Mind Game

  • True Grit

  • Flow

  • Presence

Recent reviews

  • Mind Game

    Mind Game

    I can't help but admire a movie that puts forth as much creativity as this one. Also, I am a weak little person who is a sucker for media that teaches us that living in the present. That isn't the only theme either of course I think maybe it was trying to say something about how living a life of only comfort can lead to isolation and as much pain as you feel when attempt to create new developments within…

  • True Grit

    True Grit

    A lot funnier than I expected but overall not an enjoyable experience for me. Something about the way the movie looked and the way the music sounded didn't jell with me. I'm also not the biggest fan of how the story played out though there were memorable moment such as the finale and the ending monologue. Anyway, so far this is my least favorite Coen movie and though I didn't personally enjoy it I still don't think it is a…

Popular reviews

  • Memoir of a Snail

    Memoir of a Snail

    Pretty fucking sad but never felt over indulgent. A great watch if you want to cry while appreciating some fantastic stop-motion animation.

  • Breaking the Waves

    Breaking the Waves


    The whole time I was watching this I was thinking "this is good, not amazing but very good," but there was just something about David Bowie's Life on Mars? playing during the epilogue title card mixed with the scene that happened just before it that made me break down into tears. It isn't often that I cry the way I did during this movie and I believe that is some sort of statement about how beautiful this movie is. I don't always agree with you Lars Von Trier but I have to admit that you've made an magnificent piece of art.