“You’re not a model…not at all. Far from it”
leans into the cliches but I guess it’s kinda fun.
As far is male leads in a romcom tho, pretty bland
“You’re not a model…not at all. Far from it”
leans into the cliches but I guess it’s kinda fun.
As far is male leads in a romcom tho, pretty bland
“Just forget you ever saw it… it’s better that way”
why Billy Ray Cyrus is in this film I have no idea, but his line rings true because it will save me from trying to decipher something with infinitely possible interpretations
Make a film with lots of random stuff including a love scene and leave it ambiguous? Yeah good plan
I would like to watch this again to try and get some sort of grip of it - especially now after so much post-watch reading. Will probably enjoy it more
Monstro Elisasue made me sick to my stomach… do not eat while watching this film