I love schlock, camp, and erotic thrillers.
Great doc. A tad long at 2 hours and 44 minutes, but the interviews with Tané McClure, Fred Olen Ray, Kira Reed, Jim Wynorski, Andrew Stevens, and assorted other genre staples and contributors were so fascinating that the runtime makes sense.
I also loved the research and discussion of the genesis of the genre, how the movies got made, and what caused the decline of the market. As a huge fan of erotic thrillers on VHS, this is everything I could ever want!
Has to be satire or it would be tough to watch a woman be threatened with SA for 78 minutes.
She turns the tables hard on these scuzzos in hilarious ways featuring axes and spikes and sticks, and the whole movie feels lighthearted in an entirely confusing (yet not unenjoyable?) way.
Really fun but way too long. I loved how ambitious this was, and the monster fights were a blast.
Tighten this baby up to 90 minutes and it would work better for me. At 2 hours and 20 minutes it feels too meandering, rendering the ending too absurd and not as impactful as it's trying to be.
That said, Demi is incredible, the ideas are fun, and the practical effects are a blast.