

Favorite films

  • 10 Things I Hate About You
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Mysterious Skin
  • As Above, So Below

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  • Ma


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  • Tusk


Recent reviews

  • Ma



    Ma-mma Mia this was not very good. Based off of what I’d heard I though this was going to be a Ma-sterpiece but instead, I left with  just

    Srsly wasn’t that bad but some of the acting was giving primary school nativity ensemble. 

    Ma is the kinda lady that would hit u with her shopping trolley in tescos, not apologise and then try to take legal action against you. 

    All of this could have been avoided if u turned the damn light on in that closet- cmon betch didn’t u wanna check what u were workin with beforehand.

    Ah well lesson learnt.

  • Dear Santa

    Dear Santa

    Dear lord.

Popular reviews

  • Tusk



    My beloved Justin long, the real crime here was that fake moustache they made you wear it was practically peeling at the sides.
    I fear a lollipop stick was used to decide the roles of this movie never the less I’m perfectly satisfied with the outcome. 

    I get turned off when a man looks at me for just a second too long however seeing this man in a skin suit of past victims badly sewn into the shape of a…

  • This Is the End

    This Is the End


    My favourite part of this movie is when Seth rogan kicks Jonah hill away from him and he switches out with his twink ass stunt double for a second or two too long for us to notice the dramatic change in size of “Jonah” it’s as though when he took the hit he lost 50% of body mass like it was HP. 

    slight spoiler..
    Over all 10s across the board. Me and my hg were welling up as Seth and jay ascended up to heaven together like a power couple in love.
