all of the films i watched during the whole semester of the class but ranked! i didn’t log some of…
10/10 visuals
some films i’ve watched with amazing cinematography and stunning landscapes in which i found comfort in them
films i’d love to recommend my grandparents
gore, horror
okay romcoms
(some of them are NOT but i might’ve been obsessed with one or two of the casts)
an unfinished list…
crime/investigation/mystery/psychological thriller recs
40 films for 40 days at borromeus YUUUUH
fine casting
hawt HAWT
love, death + robots volume 1, 2, 3 ranked
netflix’s finest
80s horror watchlist
recs from marvin
watching beautiful old films and killing time instead of doing my progress inten
more than film
the ultimate mindfuck experience
happy valentines
“I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!”
watch out for those femme fatales, happy v day!
oscars 2022
list of all the oscars 2022 nominees im tryna keep up with bc i watched too many shitty comedies and…