

Favorite films

  • Into the Wild
  • Fargo
  • Interstellar
  • Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Recent activity

  • Avatar: The Way of Water


  • RRR


  • Adam & Henry Adventures


  • Real Life Gun Game II


Recent reviews

  • Avatar: The Way of Water

    Avatar: The Way of Water


    I watched it in 3D. My first 3D movie✌️✌️. My friend and I accidentally showed up to the showing where it was all in Spanish, so I only understood about 60%. The first hour and  a half where he went in the whale was really pretty. I didn’t see the first movie though, so I didn’t really understand the set up especially because it was all in Spanish.

  • RRR



    I watched this movie in the theaters in india and it made me a little bit scared. A guy ate samosas in front of me too. I’m watching it again right now in Argentina with some friends and it’s pretty cool. Still just as crazy.

Popular reviews

  • Adam & Henry Adventures

    Adam & Henry Adventures


    Haven’t seen it yet but it sounds amazing. Ill bet anyone any amount of money that this will be the most critically acclaimed film of 2022.

  • Real Life Gun Game II

    Real Life Gun Game II


    It seems like the writers were simply making a spoof that was supposed to be bad. But this movie truly touched my heart in ways I can’t describe. It changed my life. After watching this movie I quit my job as the CEO of Sharpie Markers to pursue a life like theirs. I love your work RLGG crew👏😖😪😊💗🥰😍
