As gay as being gay gets.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
It doesn’t take a genius to understand Metalhead as a movie. Its themes of grief, trauma and mental health do not necessitate any amount of interpretation to arrive at, but something about the way it is presented doesn’t feel jarring—except that time early on where Hera burns her clothes, it feels like too instantaneous a switch, though thankfully it isn’t a recurring thing.
There are quite a lot of details that help bring the psychic distance closer to that of…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Damn, this truly makes the best with what it has. Even without looking into this film's production at all, you can tell it was very cheap, very simple, all filmed in just one place, showing the same house and not even a big or intricate one at that, with the whole cast literally standing around talking. Not despite all of that, but precisely because of all of that, it is incredibly gripping.
Dialogue is almost always on point and there…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
The world is confusing. No one knows how to properly navigate it. You’ll get a grasp on it eventually and there might be people to help you out, but one day you might also drift apart. That’s a very sad notion, but it also one that reminds us of one thing: what we lived has value, those memories of old are meaningful and our connections to other people will continue to shape us long after those relations are over.
A decent action movie that is kind of just that. Nothing about it impresses and it has a fair amount of incredibly predictable story beats, as well as some that are confusing. I'm not about to complain that it lacks subtlety when it's not trying to do that, but you get what I mean when I say that it is rather basic. Even when taking into account that not every movie is trying to be groundbreaking, it is still just "good enough".