Abdullah Kokash

Abdullah Kokash

Favorite films

  • Close-Up
  • 8½
  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • There Will Be Blood

Recent activity

  • Something Wild


  • Philadelphia


  • Bubble Boy


  • Le Amiche


Recent reviews

  • Something Wild

    Something Wild


    I was hoping for a more fargo-esque, choatic ending but this was a great ride that takes unexpected turns. Fun characters to spend time with and great acting all around

  • Bubble Boy

    Bubble Boy


    so stupid and dumb but funny all throughout

Popular reviews

  • Megalopolis


    Dear God have mercy on us. Someone please help Grandpa go to bed, he really needs it. What a fucking mess this was. And no it's not that genius mess that people will realize later that it was all coherent. No, this is a mess as in this is an ugly looking, poorly written, poorly directed, poorly performed film.

    Why the fuck are you calling New York "New Rome" when you had already established as clearly as you possibly could,…

  • Oppenheimer



    It was extremely hard going into Oppenheimer without having any sort of expectations - both critics and friends whom opinion I trust spoke very highly of it. But also, Nolan - who was introduced to me by my older brother when I was 11 - is the reason why I fell in love with cinema and films. So naturally I could only go in with high expectations as I often do with Nolan films- and boy did he deliver big…
