Cars enthusiast and I talk too much
Should’ve hopped on here sooner I 🫶 documenting my activities (follow the Strava)
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Appreciate the use of the psych term id. Here’s another to describe the acting: flat affect.
Thematically kinda interesting but between the acting, writing, and shameless sexism it largely has a quality of bland, square 50s suburbia
Will come back and write something real once I’ve fully processed it all I’ve got now is holy sassy man apocalypse
Ok here’s the real review: we need this film right now.
The coexistence and interaction of ancient ritual and modern technology (smoke canisters, cell phones, automated shades) remind us that this institution is arbitrary in a way. These sacred rituals aren’t divine. They’re human. The church exists because we let it. Its word is not final; it is constantly…