Me at the christian club: i do a phd in accounting and I like movies
Guy in christian club: Oh have you seen T H E A C C O U N T AN T (2016) 😎👀👀😉😉😎😎👀👀👀😉😉😉😉
Me at the christian club: i do a phd in accounting and I like movies
Guy in christian club: Oh have you seen T H E A C C O U N T AN T (2016) 😎👀👀😉😉😎😎👀👀👀😉😉😉😉
Jim Carrey is one of the greatest actors of our lifetime and I am tired of pretending he’s not.
“I hold myself in contempt” is a line that is simultaneously hilarious and gives me goosebumps at how funny but gut wrenchingly genuine it is. For every moment in this he’s giving his all.
Third act doesn’t work tho.
Me watching the Whore of R&B on the way to kill herself: OMG SHE JUST LIKE ME
So today I took a train to Zuirch to see my friend and his girlfriend. We had spaghetti, and then we went to an art house cinema I found. We smuggled sour gummies into the theater. It was a pretty good day.
Also, really charming movie.