Just how many members of her extended family can Edwige Fenech sleep with…?
Stay tuned.
Just how many members of her extended family can Edwige Fenech sleep with…?
Stay tuned.
Completely floored by this one. A Godzilla movie with real emotional depth and visual sophistication? One which acknowledges and pays homage to the original without being a cloying hanger-on? My God!(zilla)—it's even well acted! Yeah, it's clunky in parts, sure,—and it's melodramatic as hell. But it has to be—it's a fucking monster movie! And a damn good one at that. See it on the largest screen you can.
First time seeing this in ten years, maybe more. Impossible to be objective—the fifteen year old who fell madly in love with it is still in here, somewhere. Nevertheless, a much more emotionally overwhelming experience than I'd remembered—perhaps that's age. The ballet-within-the-film? The greatest sequence ever filmed? I thought so today.
(Also: watched it on my "first printing" Criterion DVD from 1999(!) (the golden age of the DVD)—I'd completely forgotten about Criterion's old double-c logo. A strange nostalgia night in many ways).