In the voice of buster from ‘come fly with me’ *exhale’s out* *exhales in* ‘ Mickeyyyy…’
Imma buy one of those cute monster thingy’s. Would anyone have access to the black market?
‘Sam, you rilla?’
This man is so cringe like the whole thing is really wet and I now am less of a fan of Robbie Williams like why is he always on the screen with cringe as emotions and shit like I don’t want to see all this shit and then he goes mental on drugs halfway though and then I have no idea what’s going on and like I like frank sinatra
Like when I first watched this I realised my autistic thing that I’m interested in is world war 2. Might be top 5 films for me I love it man.
Brad Pitt is daddy
Spoiler alert!!!
Ending be like massive blaze, bang fire big flame massive fire fire hitler face is a pack of ham bang bang pow