
alejaaa Patron

Favorite films

  • Sharp Objects
  • Possession
  • Audition
  • In My Skin

Recent activity

  • Look Away


  • Olivia


  • An Odd Turn

  • The Fall

Pinned reviews

  • Possession




    Possession feels like something beyond just a film, it is an experience of RAW desperation and perversion incarnate. it is the DESIRE to create primordial EVIL for oneself. as a woman having this clean identity imposed to you, God telling you what you’re supposed to be, but evil is what YOU ARE, what you crave, and it’s that freedom that you want to go towards, you want to be okay with messiness, and imperfection,…

Recent reviews

  • Olivia



    "Does your heart beat when you see her? Does it stop when your hands touch? Does your throat close up when you speak to her?"

    all lesbians know is read poetry, hate math, yearn, fall in love with their literature female teacher, collapse when she whispers to your ear, yearn, and try to kill themselves!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️

    how transgressive for a woman to have made this in 1951, a film full of lesbians where the love is not only tolerated but…

  • Manderlay



    closes a circle in relation to Dogville, Grace once again flees without any power and in fear...
    this is a film that confronts the ideal altruism. an altruism that constitutes a doctrine of ends vs the selfishness of a doctrine of means when the people want immediate and not long-term good.
    the contradiction when violence is used as a form of coercion to establish a democratic model. and even using slavery as a means to achieve its abolition. but in…

Popular reviews

  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

    Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person


    i was smiling in every scene, this was so full of heart, suuchh a vibeee. i just love awkward love with furtive glances, unsubtle metaphors, sitting on the edge of beds, symmetrical compositions, good lighting, french women with baby bangs, blood drinking.
    anyway, no feeling is final, we are all just looking for connection, for genuinely being understood, for matching each other's freak 🫶🏻🎶

    dm's are open to any consenting suicidal person 🩸‼️‼️

    (the scene where they are listening to Emotions by Brenda Lee on vynil is such an intimate thing i 😭😭😭)

  • The Passenger

    The Passenger


    "i can fix him" *is worse than him* *actually fixed him*

    i'm gonna be thinking about them for weeks, what a love story.
    i believe that in that one last scene when Randy calls the cops, that was an act of love, felt like someone begging a loved one to stop hurting themselves...
    also, when he said "i've been sitting next to you all day" and it held the same emotional weight as if he said "i've been next to you all my life" because people can change your life, can make you feel like you really started living, all in one day 😭