Diary Dates are wrong before May 2023.
I'm also on Serializd: srlzd.com/u/Alex321
This could have been such a nice lukewarm 3 star movie but NOOOOO an hour in Ryan Gober has to present his perfect little 10 minute 5 star segment and ruin it all.
Somehow a tiny blonde dude carrying a tiny whiny dude is the most hype shit I've ever seen. During every moment I think it's my favourite of the trilogy until the next scene starts and I am flabbergasted once more. Perfect casting (Denethor, Eomer, Galadriel,...), props (armours, swords, axes, spears, staffs, flails, knives, bows, crossbows, shields,...) music (Shadowfax shows us the meaning of haste, a broken sword is reforged, the king wears a crown again, a sunrise behind horsed blokes,...), editing (assault on Osgiliath, lighting of the beacons montage, tomato cross cutting,...), VFX (big battle, big tower, big arachnoid, small jewelry,...),...
Nothing can compare to this.
This is the worst film I have ever layed my eyes upon. Louis Hofmann (not a big role) is fine, but the cinematography, characters and dialogues are unbearable. The plot is a mere facade, to create opportunities for Malkovich to hold a monologue. The criticisms of modern problems, such as climate change fall completely flat. It does not make sense to me, why one would want to create a movie, where the director wants the viewers to want the movie…